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»»» Tell Me What Is Love
Kamis, 29 Mei 2014, 13.29 0 comment/s

Hi everyone! it's been very a long time since the last post hehe so today i wanna share a lyrics from kyungsoo-tell me what is love,seriously i really love his solo performance *yes it's from the lost planet in seoul* ahh i hope i can watch it live someday :))

Kyungsoo-Tell Me What Is Love (eng trans)
credit : avelldo

This is my property (?)
Tell me what is love
You, the one who has never loved me
All I ever wanted was to live at your side
Never did erase you from my mind
Why must you continue brushing me aside?
Because of my increasingly selfish heart
There's no way I can escape these thoughts
Is this really what they call love?
I'm not ready for this to end, wait a minute
The road we walk down as we wait has no limit
Though my unanswered calls are mere echoes
Come back to me oh oh oh
I want to move on and live my life, though I'd hate to lose you
Sooner or later, I will fade away
Tell me what is love (2x)

»»» mimpi
Rabu, 31 Juli 2013, 05.48 0 comment/s

Waktu itu gue gak tau harus ngebias siapa di exo,trus akhirnya allah memberikan hidayah lewat mimpi.Di mimpi itu gue bermimpi kyungsoo,akhirnya gue ngebias kyungsoo.Dari kyungsoo kita pasti tertarik dengan kai,dari kai kita pasti tertarik dengan yang lainnya seperti sekai lukai dkk

»»» this is cool
Senin, 29 Juli 2013, 13.02 0 comment/s

Hi,so today i want show you something that cool for me ? this is about creativity,there's a fan of shinee dare to do anything(?) against her/him album,well i am also willing to do the same thing like this against my album but i'm scare the result will not cool like these kkk meanwhile my dream girl album just frozen in my
cupboard,not just my dream girl but also my whole albums T.T it's something like treasure for me mmm you know la how i feel if you a kpoper and bought the album ;)

picts source : netizenbuzz

»»» something not really special
Kamis, 13 Juni 2013, 10.46 0 comment/s

Hi,bete yah iya bete banget menjelang liburan ga tau mau ngapain,kalo gue sih mau nya hang out bareng temen tapi plis mau hang out kemana(aduhai bahasa gue hang out). Pengen ke jawa aja ketemu temen-temen lama,udah itu aja yang bisa bikin gue seneng sekarang.

»»» Dusts
Rabu, 01 Mei 2013, 13.32 0 comment/s

Hello everyone,it's been a long time since the last time i posted,so how's live ? hope u guys in good condition(: don't know want to start where,i just want to say hi to all of you cuz my blog is full of dusts now >< hehe due to busy with school i don't have much time for this,moreover soon the final exam will start which determine us for the next grade so i must study for it and please wish me luck! gbye see you after exam :D

»»» ._.
Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013, 19.48 0 comment/s

Awalnya mau nge post pake english gitu,eh tapi ga jadi karena yah secara skill gue masih kaya anak smp gitu.Hari ini ga ada eskul dan ga ikutan latihan olim,udah lama ga ngerasain saturday free,biasanya abis pulang sekolah langsung latihan+eskul ampe jam setengah lima baru pulang ke rumah,ya thank god akhirnya gue bisa tidur siang -_- selain itu gue iseng ngelukis tapi ya seperti itulah skill melukis gue masih cetek,hanya sebisanya saja karena gue belum pernah yang namanya ikutan les melukis apalagi yang pake cat air,alhasil seperti ini

meskipun berantahkan,tapi ya alhamdulillah saya bisa,ok just that,bye!

»»» It's Over
Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013, 23.16

Night everyone, sigh..tonight is mubank jakarta,you know what?! yeah me totally nyesek,tbh gue udah kebal sih ga galau..tapi pasti ujung-ujungnya bakal nyesek.Hari ini hari ke 6 liburan,besok terakhir dan senin gue balik lagi buat sekolah oh man gue belum siap,belum siap ngerjain pr yang tinggal di salin doang B) entah kenapa gue ga dapet power(?) dari abang-abang gue a.k.a anak-anak shinee infinite dan beast yang lagi di jakarta soalnya gue ga lihat mereka langsung jadinya gue ga semangat(adoh apa banget deh lo nis).Liburan gue di isi dengan nonton running man udah gitu aja ga ada yang spesial,ini gue ngetik entri sambil komat kamit "damn it" liat tl penuh sama live reportnya mubank,kaya ee memang ㅎㅅㅎ.